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API reference

This section provides a full reference of all the functions, macros and types that LibCanComm offers.



typedef void * cancomm_t

Opaque pointer for the CAN communication context.


Macro Description
CANCOMM_TRUE Boolean true value.
CANCOMM_FALSE Boolean false value.
CANCOMM_FLAG_CANFD_MSG Bit flag to indicate that the message is a CAN FD message.
CANCOMM_FLAG_CANERR_MSG Bit flag to indicate that the message is a CAN error frame.



cancomm_t cancomm_new(void)

Creates a new CAN communication context. All subsequent library functions need this context. The context makes it possible for multiple applications to make use of this library.

Return value
Newly created context, if successful. NULL otherwise.
Example - Create a new context:
cancomm_t canCommCtx;

/* Create a new CAN communication context. */
canCommCtx = cancomm_new();
if (canCommCtx != NULL)
  printf("[INFO] Created CAN communication context.\n");
  printf("[ERROR] Could not create CAN communication context.\n");


void cancomm_free(cancomm_t ctx)

Releases the context. Should be called for each CAN communication context, created with function cancomm_new(), once you no longer need it.

Parameter Description
ctx CAN communication context.
Example - Release a context:
/* Release the CAN communication context. */
if (canCommCtx != NULL)
  printf("[INFO] Released CAN communication context.\n");


uint8_t cancomm_connect(cancomm_t ctx, char const * device)

Connects to the specified SocketCAN device. Note that you can use the functions cancomm_devices_buildlist() and cancomm_devices_name() to determine the names of the SocketCAN devices known to the system. Alternatively, you can run command ip addr in the terminal to find out about the SocketCAN devices know to the system. This function automatically figures out if the SocketCAN device supports CAN FD, in addition to CAN classic.

Parameter Description
ctx CAN communication context.
device Null terminated string with the SocketCAN device name, e.g. "can0".
Return value
CANCOMM_TRUE if successfully connected to the SocketCAN device, CANCOMM_FALSE otherwise.
Example 1 - Connect to the SocketCAN device with a specific name:
/* Connect to SocketCAN device with name "vcan0". */
if (cancomm_connect(canCommCtx, "vcan0") == CANCOMM_TRUE)
  printf("[INFO] Connected to CAN device.\n");
Example 2 - Connect to the first SocketCAN device found on the system:
/* Build list with all SocketCAN devices currently known to the system
 * and only continue if at least one is present.
if (cancomm_devices_buildlist(canCommCtx) > 0)
  /* Obtain the name of the first SocketCAN device that was found. */
  char * canDevice = cancomm_devices_name(canCommCtx, 0);
  /* Connect to this SocketCAN device. */
  if (cancomm_connect(canCommCtx, canDevice) == CANCOMM_TRUE)
    printf("[INFO] Connected to CAN device '%s'.\n", canDevice);


void cancomm_disconnect(cancomm_t ctx)

Disconnects from the SocketCAN device.

Parameter Description
ctx CAN communication context.
Example - Disconnect from a SocketCAN device:
printf("[INFO] Disconnected from CAN device.\n");


uint8_t cancomm_transmit(cancomm_t ctx, uint32_t id, uint8_t ext, uint8_t len, 
                         uint8_t const * data, uint8_t flags, uint64_t * timestamp)

Submits a CAN message for transmission.

Parameter Description
ctx CAN communication context.
id CAN message identifier.
ext Set to CANCOMM_FALSE for an 11-bit message identifier, to CANCOMM_TRUE for 29-bit.
len Number of CAN message data bytes. Max 8 for a CAN classic message, max 64 for a CAN FD message.
data Pointer to array with data bytes.
flags Bit flags for providing additional information about how to transmit the message:
- CANCOMM_FLAG_CANFD_MSG: The message is CAN FD and not CAN classic. Ignored for non CAN FD SocketCAN devices.
timestamp Pointer to where the timestamp (microseconds) of the message is stored.
Return value
CANCOMM_TRUE if successfully submitted the message for transmission. CANCOMM_FALSE otherwise.
Example 1 - Transmit a CAN classic message with 11-bit identifier:
uint32_t canId = 0x123;
uint8_t  canExt = CANCOMM_FALSE; /* 11-bit identifier */
uint8_t  canData[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x55, 0xAA };
uint8_t  canFlags = 0; /* CAN classic. */
uint64_t canTimestamp = 0;

/* Transmit the CAN message. */
if (cancomm_transmit(canCommCtx, canId, canExt, 4, canData, canFlags, &canTimestamp) == CANCOMM_TRUE)
  printf("[INFO] Transmitted message at %llu us.\n", canTimestamp);    
Example 2 - Transmit a CAN classic message with 29-bit identifier:
uint32_t canId = 0x123A5;
uint8_t  canExt = CANCOMM_TRUE; /* 29-bit identifier */
uint8_t  canData[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
uint8_t  canFlags = 0; /* CAN classic. */
uint64_t canTimestamp = 0;

/* Transmit the CAN message. */
if (cancomm_transmit(canCommCtx, canId, canExt, 8, canData, canFlags, &canTimestamp) == CANCOMM_TRUE)
  printf("[INFO] Transmitted message at %llu us.\n", canTimestamp);    
Example 3 - Transmit a CAN FD message with 11-bit identifier:
uint32_t canId = 0x234;
uint8_t  canExt = CANCOMM_FALSE; /* 11-bit identifier */
uint8_t  canData[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };
uint8_t  canFlags = CANCOMM_FLAG_CANFD_MSG; /* CAN FD. */
uint64_t canTimestamp = 0;

/* Transmit the CAN message. */
if (cancomm_transmit(canCommCtx, canId, canExt, 16, canData, canFlags, &canTimestamp) == CANCOMM_TRUE)
  printf("[INFO] Transmitted message at %llu us.\n", canTimestamp);    


uint8_t cancomm_receive(cancomm_t ctx, uint32_t * id, uint8_t * ext, uint8_t * len, 
                        uint8_t * data, uint8_t * flags, uint64_t * timestamp)

Reads a possibly received CAN message or CAN error frame in a non-blocking manner.

Parameter Description
ctx CAN communication context.
id Pointer to where the CAN message identifier is stored.
ext Pointer to where the CAN identifier type is stored. CANCOMM_FALSE for an 11-bit message identifier, CANCOMM_TRUE for 29-bit.
len Pointer to where the number of CAN message data bytes is stored.
data Pointer to array where the data bytes are stored.
flags Pointer to where the bit flags are stored for providing additional information about the received message:
-CANCOMM_FLAG_CANFD_MSG: The message is CAN FD and not CAN classic.
- CANCOMM_FLAG_CANERR_MSG: The message is a CAN error frame.
timestamp Pointer to where the timestamp (microseconds) of the message is stored.
Return value
CANCOMM_TRUE if a new message was received and copied. CANCOMM_FALSE otherwise.
Example - Receiving CAN messages and error frames:
uint32_t canId = 0;
uint8_t  canExt = CANCOMM_FALSE;
uint8_t  canLen = 0;
uint8_t  canData[64];
uint8_t  canFlags = 0;
uint64_t canTimestamp = 0;

/* Check for the reception of a CAN message or error frame. */
if (cancomm_receive(canCommCtx, &canId, &canExt, &canLen, &canData[0], &canFlags, 
                    &canTimestamp) == CANCOMM_TRUE)
  /* Was is an error frame? */
    printf("[INFO] Error frame received at %llu us.\n", canTimestamp);    
  /* It was a CAN message. */
    /* Was it a CAN FD message? */
      printf("[INFO] Received CAN FD message with ID %Xh at %llu us.\n", 
             canId, canTimestamp);      
    /* It was a CAN classic message. */
      printf("[INFO] Received CAN classic message with ID %Xh at %llu us.\n", 
             canId, canTimestamp);      


uint8_t cancomm_devices_buildlist(cancomm_t ctx)

Builds a list with all the CAN device names currently present on the system. Basically an internal array with strings such as "can0", "vcan0", etc. Afterwards, you can call cancomm_devices_name() to retrieve the name of a specific SocketCAN device, using its array index.

Parameter Description
ctx CAN communication context.
Return value
The total number of CAN devices currently present on the system, or 0 if none were found or in case of an error.
Example - Detecting all SocketCAN devices known to the system:
uint32_t  canDeviceCnt;

canDeviceCnt = cancomm_devices_buildlist(canCommCtx);


char * cancomm_devices_name(cancomm_t ctx, uint8_t idx)

Obtains the SocketCAN device name at the specified index of the internal list with CAN devices, created by function cancomm_devices_buildlist(). You could use this SocketCAN device name when calling cancomm_connect().

Note that you should call cancomm_devices_buildlist() at least once, before calling this function.

Parameter Description
ctx CAN communication context.
idx Zero based index into the device list.
Return value
The CAN device name at the specified index, or NULL in case of an error.
Example - Listing all SocketCAN devices known to the system:
uint32_t  canDeviceCnt;
uint32_t  canDeviceIdx;
char *    canDevice;

printf("[INFO] Detecting SocketCAN devices: ");
canDeviceCnt = cancomm_devices_buildlist(canCommCtx);
for (canDeviceIdx = 0; canDeviceIdx < canDeviceCnt; canDeviceIdx++)
  printf("'%s' ", cancomm_devices_name(canCommCtx, canDeviceIdx));
printf("(%d found).\n", canDeviceCnt);
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